This was designed by our own Fr. Bob Lanterman, in conjunction with renowned Cleveland sculptor Norbert Koehn. Mr. Koehn was the artist responsible for creating the Altar and Crucifix. Both unique works of art.
The material for the Altar was taken from a 250 year old oak tree which has been cored and treated and will stand at the center of our parish worship. The design was meant to reflect "Tree of Life" which was at the center of the Garden of Eden in chapters 2 of the book of Genesis, and to which we have regained access through the life, death, and resurrections of Jesus as in Revelation 22:2.
Included in the trunk of the Altar is the parish relic which was taken from the old Altar and placed in the new as a sign of our connections with the past.
This was designed and created to work in concert with the Altar and to remind us that the Sacrifice of the Cross and the Sacrifice of the Altar are eternally inseparable.
The same Christ who died on the cross is still present to us in the Bread blessed and the Wine poured out on the Altar as is recounted throughout the Gospels and the New Testament Letters.
The corpus on the cross was selected by the Parish Pastoral Council and the Pastoral Staff and is in conformity with the latest dictates of the church in the New General Instruction of the Roman Missal.
The Resurrected Christ which has been a part of the church sanctuary since it was built, has also been fitted for the new cross, and will be used during appropriate seasons of the year.
This was designed and constructed by our own parishioners.
Christopher Betts was the architect, and Dan Fuller, Kurt Chiller, and Jack Blasiole were the builders.
The upper font is used for the baptism of infants, and is circular reflecting the life of God which has no beginning and no end; the same life which we enter into through baptism.
The lower font, which receives water from the upper font, is used for the immersion of adults at the Easter Vigil.
Built in uniformity with the baptismal font, this is the place used to hold the vessels that contain the blessed and consecrated oils used during the rites of the Church.
The lowest pillar holds the Oil of the Sick which is used in the Anointing of the sick. This sacrament can be administered any time and in any place. The middle pillar holds the Oil of Catechumens. This oil is used for adults and infants prior to baptism.
The upper pillar holds the consecrated oil known as the Sacred Chrism. It is olive oil mixed with balsam. The Sacred Chrism is used in many rites of the church, namely Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination of a priest, Consecration of a Bishop and the dedication of churches and altars. Anointing with chrism oil signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit.
These stands are illuminated from the inside during appropriate times of the year.
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